Summer / Raumati 2022 - 2023

Meri Kirihimete, from the Raglan Community House whanau.
Raglan Community House’s last day for 2022 is Fri Dec 23rd. We reopen on Mon Jan 16th 2023. We are sad to farewell Lara Toxward who has been an important member of our RCH Whanau for the last 5 years. She is relocating over the ‘divvy’ to Kirikiriroa/Hamilton. Lara has been a pleasure to work with and we wish her all the best. In 2023 we will have a new look website. More user friendly, the website will make it much easier to engage with us on-line.
2022 has been a good but challenging year that included farewelling our Chairperson of over 7 years, Grant Cushman, and welcoming new Chair, Lesley Thornley. We also welcomed new Trustees Joe Rao and Kelly Woolston. The year also saw new projects including ‘Mana Rangatahi-Whakapono’, and the return of an old project ‘Whaaingaroa Talent Factory’. We are collaborating with Raglan Naturally to further support our Youth Community, and in 2023 we are looking to do more including better support for our Disabled Community. We will continue our work supporting and advocating for ‘Whaaingaroa/Raglan—a safe and healthy community’, providing positive opportunities and services.
Thanks again to all who volunteer. We wish you a wonderful Christmas and very happy New Year.
Na Mike.