Summer / Raumati 2023 - 2024

Kiaora from the Raglan Community House( RCH) whanau
He raa ataahua ki whakatika te tuanui.
A beautiful day for fixing the roof.
Thanks to the Raglan community for your patience and understanding as we had to be closed to the public while the major work was done.
Nga Mihinui.
We’ve had a very busy year here at RCH including some needed repairs and maintenance. We farewelled several members of our team throughout the year and welcomed new ones. We introduced some new projects and improved delivery of established services. We continued our work with some of the most vulnerable and collaborated with other groups to maximise limited resources to meet community needs. We expect 2024 to present more challenges to the community and again will do our best to meet the needs. Thanks to all those who support us including our Volunteer Crew, the Volunteer Drivers of the Health Transport Service, Raglan Computer Services, Maori Wardens, JPs and many others who give their time and energy to support this community. Thanks also to those who provide funding to help us help others, including those larger philanthropic groups and also local community members who donate to us. I am often overwhelmed by the kindness many show to others through us but wish to remain in the background without deserved recognition. Finally, I wish to acknowledge those connected to RCH who passed this year. Nga Mihinui.
Meri kirihimete me mihi tau hau na te whanau o te Whare Hapori o Whaaingaroa.